TeslaCon 10: Murder on the Orient Express

By TeslaCon (other events)

Thu, Nov 14 2019 1:00 PM CDT Sun, Nov 17 2019 10:00 PM CDT

Welcome to our Tenth Anniversaty Year!

TeslaCon is now the longest running Steampunk convention in America. Join us as we celebrate out tenth year anniversary, and do it in the style and adventurous ways only TeslaCon can do.

For over ten years we have been the premiere immersion experience for Steampunk fans. Our characters and stories have been seen by thousands, and now the biggest ending to an immersion event is about to take place. With new characters and excitement around every corner we bring you our Steampunk version of: Murder on the Orient Express.

Spanning 4 days, and 2 continents-all on a Steampunk train  headed for the adventure of a lifetime. We make stops in sevreal countries along the way, including Austria where will will celebrate "KrampusNacht" in a most traditional and TeslaCon way.

Over 20 actors present a story line that has been racing towards a most unbelievable ending for a decade. Filled with costumes, music, shopping, programming and of course a non stop Steampunk storyline t hat comes to life over a four day event.

Join us we we prepare for the biggest, brightest and above all most exciting year we have ever had. Journey on the ill fated train of Agatha Christie, and ut hurtles towards a destiny nobody can foresee, and a climax that will surprise everyone come Sunday of the event.

We look forward to seeing our old friends, some new friends and of course those who just want to discover what Steampunk is all about. Take a journey into the past, and into a future that has yet been written. Join us in our greatest adventure yet!

TeslaCon 10: Murder on the Orient Express
November 14th-17th, 2019 In Madison, Wisconsin   @ the Marriott Madison West Hotel